Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Wall Between Mexico and Texas Essay - 592 Words

The United States and Mexico border fence has been a recent debate with the people because of the irresistible flow of Mexican illegal in the United States. Living in the lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, I may be able to see a huge wall or fence being built on our border with Mexico. Other than the economic recession we have to this day, people still have their views and opinions expressed on another topic, the â€Å"segregation† wall. Some express opinions on whether this wall will keep illegal immigrants out, others speak on how this is a total disaster both financially and emotionally as in this wall being referred to as â€Å"racist†. An article written by the economist Robert J. Samuelson: Build a Fence—And Amnesty a few years ago, states†¦show more content†¦Economically, he states A Texas roofing contractor testified to Congress that he couldnt get enough roofers at $9 an hour. Okay, increase it to $10 or $12. Higher wages will bring forth more workers.† Hence, making his point real if this economy had a surplus amount of workers. Immigrants today take jobs others do not want, why should it bother us? As for amnesty, Samuelson states â€Å"If we control new inflows, we should legalize the illegal immigrants already here.† Immigrants are being exploited and deprived of their rights; their children are being born in the United States, as a result making them U.S citizens. Why force them to leave if they caused no harm, they may have broken the law because of our easy immigration policy then, but a chance given to them may benefit many. Posted a few years ago as well, the Christian Science monitor expresses his view and opinion on a published note: Border Fence: symptom of a failed policy. He emphasizes his main point in this note being and quote â€Å"A fence is a tactic, not a policy. In fact, its symptomatic of the failure of federal policy to get a grip on illegal immigration.† This fence may be a tact ic, but hiring illegal immigrants flouts the law. Illegal immigration is moving all over the country and custom agents like I.C.E, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, tend to shut down day labor sites populated with frequent undocumented workers. Again we see how the fence inShow MoreRelatedThroughout My Life, I Have Learned To Always Be A Helping1648 Words   |  7 PagesThroughout my life, I have learned to always be a helping hand and generally care for other people. My Catholic faith has most definitely been my guidepost. It has taught me my morals that have guided me throughout my entire life. Growing up in south Texas one can experience many difficult situations where they hear and see within the immigration process. I have personally seen families torn across borders. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Conforming To Society’S Rules Is Not An Option For Everyone.

Conforming to society’s rules is not an option for everyone. This holds true for the orphan Jane Eyre. Jane lived during the Victorian Era in England. During this time period women did not have the same freedoms as men, so as of result women lived under constant oppression. Women had to suffer loveless marriages and the inability to survive without men. Not only, were women oppressed emotionally they were not able to be independent from men. Jane Eyre objects the rules of society and attempts to find passion and independence in her life. Within Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontà «, Jane Eyre’s passionate belief for freedom becomes a symbol of empowerment among women. Furthermore, Jane Eyre believed there should be passion and love in marriage.†¦show more content†¦Jane’s want of true love and the freedom of choosing who she will marry proves she is an independent and strong women in the Victorian Era. Also, she is independent when it comes to supporting hers elf. Additionally, Jane did not need a husband to support her. During the Victorian Era women did not have many options for being economically stable. As a result, women counted on their husbands to make money. Essentially, women were forced to marry so they could survive. Affluent women seeked men who had money, for example Blanche Ingram wanted Mr, Rochester for his money but after she found that Mr. Rochester is not as wealthy as he seems she is visibly upset. Jane described her face, she said, â€Å"her face grew momently darker, more dissatisfied, and more sourly expressive of disappointment† (271). On the contrary, Jane wanted to support herself and did not want Mr. Rochester spoiling her. When Mr. Rochester was buying Jane her wedding dress and jewelry Jane thought, â€Å"the more he bought me, the more my cheek burned with a sense of annoyance and degradation† (377). Jane did not want someone supporting her, and instead she wanted to support herself. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Effects of Civil War Essay Example For Students

Effects of Civil War Essay When a war occurs, it takes years for the society or societies involved to return to a more normal, calm state. In the case of the American Civil War, many aspects of the country were disrupted after the war ended in 1865. Relations were strained, land had been destroyed, families torn apart, and much more. The economy struggled, and many Southerners did not want to accept a loss. The death count for the American Civil War was also an amazing number, and made a large dent into families, businesses, and towns across the nation. When examining the physical damage to the land after the end of the war, it was obvious that much of the country had been brutally trampled and scarred by the battles and rampages of the war. As troops had moved across areas, they had burnt many fields and homes in proof of their defiance against their enemies. Also, many cities, towns, and businesses had been set fire as the troops had captured and traveled through them. Many of these fires took lives, and oft en made making a fresh start and rebuilding seem like an impossible venture. The land that had been destroyed by these fires also was very tattered and would take many years to rehabilitate. The countless buildings, homes, businesses and structures that had been torn down and broken apart, were definitely very discouraging matters for the citizens after the war ended. Many families had lost their homes to traveling troops during battles, and others had had their homes shot and bombed during the fight. Many of these families had also lost family members in the war as well, so rebuilding would become a very difficult task. Money was a great issue, as well as finding another place to build. The emotional stress of losing a home or business took a gigantic toll on survivors of the war too. The destruction left behind by the war overwhelmed many people; Northerners, Southerners, and blacks alike. Economically, the huge cost of the war; which covered weapons, ammunition, clothes, food, and medical supplies, took a very large toll on the nations budget. The South was worse of then the North, but both sides would struggle for years due to the great loss. Millions of dollars were spent on these supplies, and the money came from many different places. For example, the South made some of their own paper money, while also borrowing from other countries. On top of the major expenses of the war as it had pressed on, the loss of businesses and important city buildings would cost a large amount of money for the people to replace; money that sometimes could not be raised for years to come after the end of the war. With thousands of deaths on either side throughout the war, Americas population had been hit enormously. Besides the number count, the priceless lives of family members and friends had been stolen away, and could never be replaced. The brutal massacre that occurred over the four years of the war would be remembered as Americas bloodiest war with the largest death toll. So far, no other war compares to the high number of lives that were taken during the Civil War. To the South, their slaves were their main source of employees, and through the war, had been stolen from them. They were in a predicament, and many were very enraged. The black men and women that they had relied on to work for them had been set free, and at the end of the war, they had to either look past their hatred of these people and hire them, or they would have to go without workers. In 1866, only a year after the war had ended, some terrible riots occurred in the South, namely in Memphis and New Orleans, which were essentially massacres conducted against black communities. The powerful and hateful feelings between Northerners and Southerners, and blacks and whites, would take years to settle down, and some would still haunt us today. .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d , .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d .postImageUrl , .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d , .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d:hover , .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d:visited , .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d:active { border:0!important; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d:active , .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u75337ea12d5705f8ae71b7bbbdd4de4d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Ulysses S. Grant Persuasive EssayIn our modern society of todays American, blacks and whites are considered equal by many. The idea of slavery is almost always considered appalling, and usually plainly just considered an extinct concept. Though relations between these two races have become better, there is still evidence of pain and angst between the two groups. Hate crimes against blacks are still occurring today, and many African-Americans hold deep seeded grudges against the white man. In retrospect; though, without the Civil War, many features of America today would be extremely different. After the Civil War, it took several years for a black man to gain the same resp ect as a white man, and just as many years to become considered an acceptable part of many communities. Segregated bathrooms to restaurants to schools were once not uncommon, until another revolution of concepts occurred. It is without a doubt that even though the Civil War left behind massive amounts of destruction, without it, our world as we know it today could be very different. Relations between the blacks and whites of America could still be very prejudicial, perhaps even with slavery still taking place. The Civil War was a very devastating war for the United States of America, but ultimately, it has made us stronger.

Monday, December 2, 2019

The Story of An Hour Essay Example For Students

The Story of An Hour Essay In Kate Chopins short story The Story of an Hour, thereis much irony. The first irony detected is in the way thatLouise reacts to the news of the death of her husband,Brently Mallard. Before Louises reaction is revealed,Chopin alludes to how the widow feels by describing theworld according to her perception of it after the horriblenews. Louise is said to not hear the story as many womenhave heard the same. Rather, she accepts it and goes to herroom to be alone. Now the reader starts to see the worldthrough Louises eyes, a world full of new and pure life. Inher room, Louise sinks into a comfortable chair and looksout her window. Immediately the image of comfort seems tostrike a odd note. One reading this story should question theuse of this word comfortable and why Louise is notbeating the furniture instead. Next, the newly widowedwomen is looking out of the window and sees spring and allthe new life it brings. The descriptions used now are as faraway from death as possible. We will write a custom essay on The Story of An Hour specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The delicios breath ofrainthe notes of a distant song. ..countless sparrows weretwittering.. .patches of blue sky . All these are beautifulimages of life , the reader is quite confused by this mostunusual foreshadowing until Louises reaction is explained.The widow whispers Free, free, free! Louise realizes thather husband had loved her, but she goes on to explain thatas men and women often inhibit eachother, even if it is donewith the best of intentions, they exert their own wills uponeachother. She realized that although at times she had lovedhim, she has regained her freedom, a state of beeing that allof G-ds creatures strive for. Although this reaction iscompletely unexpected, the reader quickly accepts itbecause of Louises adequate explanation. She growsexcited and begins to fantasize about living her life forherself. With this realization, she wishes that life might belong, and she feels like a goddess of Victory as she walksdown the stairs. This is an eerie forshadowing for an evenmore unexpected ending. The reader has just acceptedLouises reaction to her husbands death, when the mostunexpected happens; her husband is actually alive and heenters the room shocking everyone, and Louise especially,as she is shocked to death. The irony continues, though,because the doctors say she died of joy, when the readerknows that she actually died because she had a glimps offreedom and could not go back to living under her husbandswill again. In the title, the story refers to that of Louiseslife. She lived in the true sense of the word, with the will andfreedom to live for only one hour. Book Reports The Story Of An Hour Essay Example For Students The Story Of An Hour Essay The use of irony makes stories enjoyable to read. Stories with irony keeps readers interested and in suspense. The use of irony Kate Chopin uses in the short story The Story of an Hour keeps readers attached to the story and lets readers understand Mrs. Mallards true feelings about her husband. The way Mrs. Mallard expresses her emotions towards her husband makes the story likable. Her character traits and the way Chopin puts the ironic twist into the story keeps you interested. What I liked about the story was how Chopin used irony to inform readers of Brently Mallards false death. Her use of irony kept me in suspense throughout the story and shocked me at the end where I learned that Brently Mallard was still alive. The reason Chopin informs readers of his false death is to let readers know how Mrs. Mallard feels towards her husband. She did not hear the story as most women would have. Instead, she did not feel pity or agony for her husband. Once Brently supposedly dies, Mrs. Mallard is now looking forward to the future. What I also liked was how Chopin used good details when she describes Mrs. Mallard. She describes her as being young, with a fair, calm face, whose lines bespoke repression and even a certain strength. You can easily paint a picture of Mrs. Mallards face with Chopins details. It makes the story a lot easier to read and it keeps you interested. The 3rd thing I liked about this story was how Chopin ended the story with Mrs. Mallards death. O nce Brently walked through the door, Mrs. Mallards life collapsed. All of her hopes and dreams for the future had disappeared. Once Mrs. Mallard saw Brently, she died. She had been so happy with his death that it killed her to see him again. As you can see, the use of irony, the details, and all of the suspense makes this story enjoyable to read. We will write a custom essay on The Story Of An Hour specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Bibliography: